世界品牌实验室发布2023年世界品牌500强 |
微软、苹果、亚马逊排前三,美国入选最多,中国首次超越日本,跃居全球第三 |
World Brand Lab Releases '2023 World's 500 Most Influential Brands' |
由世界品牌实验室(World Brand Lab)独家编制的2023年度(第二十届)《世界品牌500强》排行榜于12月13日在美国纽约揭晓。去年排名第二的微软(Microsoft)击败苹果(Apple)位列第一;苹果(Apple)退居第二;亚马逊(Amazon)名列第三。美国占据500强中的193席,稳居品牌大国第一。法国、中国、日本和英国为世界品牌大国的第二阵营。中国品牌入选数(48个)首次超越日本(43个),跃居全球第三。其中表现亮眼的品牌有国家电网、腾讯、海尔、华为、华润、中国人寿、五粮液、中国南方电网、青岛啤酒、中化、恒力、徐工、盛虹和国贸控股。 |
The 20th edition of the World's 500 Most Influential Brands list, exclusively compiled by World Brand Lab, was unveiled on December 13 in New York. Microsoft, securing the top spot, surpassed last year's second-place holder, Apple, which now occupies the second position. Amazon secured the third spot this year. The United States maintained its status as the leading brand nation, with 193 positions within the top 500. France, China, Japan, and the United Kingdom constituted the second tier of major global brand contributors. Notably, the number of selected Chinese brands (48) surpassed Japan (43) for the first time, securing the third position globally. Standout brands included State Grid, Tencent, Haier, Huawei, China Resources, China Life, Wuliangye, China Southern Power Grid, TSINGTAO, Sinochem, Hengli, XCMG, Shenghong, and ITG Holding. |
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《世界品牌500强》(The World's 500 Most Influential Brands)的评判依据是品牌的世界影响力。所谓品牌影响力(Brand Influence),是指品牌开拓市场、占领市场并获得利润的能力。按照品牌影响力的三项关键指标,即市场占有率(Market Share)、品牌忠诚度(Brand Loyalty)和全球领导力(Global Leadership),世界品牌实验室对全球约8000多个知名品牌进行了综合评分,最终推出了世界最具影响力的500个品牌。在衡量品牌的忠诚度时,参考了我信品牌(iTrust Rating)的评级数据;在衡量品牌的领导力特别是ESG(环境、社会和治理)评分时,参考了超级财经(SuperFinance)的ESG数据库。 |
The World's 500 Most Influential Brands is judged on the basis of a brand's global influence. Brand influence refers to a brand's ability to develop and capture markets and make profits. Following three key indicators of brand influence, namely market share, brand loyalty and global leadership, World Brand Lab tracked more than 8,000 leading brands around the globe to pioneer the World's 500 Most Influential Brands list. When measuring brand loyalty, iTrust Rating's data were consulted. SuperFinance's ESG database was referred to when measuring brand leadership, especially ESG performance. |
世界品牌实验室学术委员会主席、牛津大学营销学名誉教授斯蒂芬·沃格(Prof. Steve Woolgar)指出,世界品牌实验室编制世界品牌报告已是第20个年头,2023年入选的国家总数为32个。从品牌数量的国家分布看,美国占据500强中的193席,依然以较大优势占据并保持世界品牌第一强国位置;法国、中国、日本和英国分别有49个、48个、43个和34个品牌上榜,是世界品牌大国的第二阵营;德国、瑞士和意大利是品牌大国的第三阵营,分别有28个、17个和15个品牌入选。由此可见,即使受地缘冲突和能源危机影响,欧洲经济复苏步伐放缓,但欧洲国家的超级品牌依然坚挺。不过,受困于经济的脆弱性与地缘局势的紧张,跨国品牌大多面临多重压力,发展难度进一步加大。 |
Dr. Steve Woolgar, Chairman of the World Brand Lab academic committee and Emeritus Professor of Marketing at the University of Oxford, highlighted that the World Brand Lab is celebrating its 20th year of producing the analysis report, encompassing a total of 32 countries in 2023. Despite the challenges posed by geopolitical conflicts and the energy crisis, companies from the United States continue to dominate, representing 193 out of the top 500 brands and maintaining their position as the global leaders in recognizable brands. The second tier of global brand powers includes France, China, Japan, and the United Kingdom, with 49, 48, 43, and 34 brands on the list, respectively. Meanwhile, Germany, Switzerland, and Italy form the third camp, contributing 28, 17, and 15 brands to the list, respectively. Despite the economic slowdown in Europe, super brands from European countries remain resilient. However, economic fragility and geopolitical tensions pose challenges for most multinational brands, intensifying the difficulties in their development. |
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世界品牌实验室和超级财经(SuperFinance)的联合团队实证研究发现,跨国品牌逐渐感受到全球化带来的这些相关压力,品牌扩张策略需要向多元本地化转移,并以提升品牌的ESG(环境、社会和治理)绩效为捷径,因为品牌价值和ESG绩效的关联性愈来愈强。今年《世界品牌500强》共覆盖了47个行业。其中,食品与饮料共有35个品牌上榜,排名第一;汽车与零件共有32个品牌上榜,位居第二;零售行业继续复苏,今年有28个品牌上榜,和能源行业并列第三;传媒行业有26个上榜品牌位列第五。其他入选数量排名靠前的行业还有互联网(24个)、银行(24个)、保险(24个)、计算机与通讯(23个)和电信(21个)。随着世界范围内老龄化时代的到来,医药和健康品牌将会有可持续增长的空间。 |
An empirical study conducted by a collaborative team from World Brand Lab and SuperFinance reveals that multinational brands are gradually experiencing the challenges linked to globalization. Consequently, strategies for brand expansion need to pivot toward diverse localization and capitalize on the expedient path of enhancing Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) performance. This shift is essential as the correlation between brand value and ESG performance is increasingly robust. The 2023 list encompasses 47 industries, with the food and beverage sector leading with 35 brands on the list. Following closely, the automobile industry holds the second position with 32 brands. With the global rise of an aging population, there is promising potential for sustainable growth in pharmaceutical and health brands. |
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今年新上榜的品牌总计25个。新上榜的品牌中,排名最高的为美国的信诺集团(CIGNA GROUP),位于总榜85名,该品牌已经建成了一个全球范围内的庞大医疗网络来支撑其业务并提供24小时在线的贴心服务。美国的太空探索技术公司(SpaceX)、意大利国家电力(ENEL)、荷兰的阿斯麦(ASML)等著名品牌也榜上有名。中国(含港澳台)新上榜6个品牌,分别是保利(POLY)、抖音(TikTok)、中国华电(China Huadian)、通威(TONGWEI)、中国航油(CNAF)和波司登(Bosideng)。2023年的落榜品牌中包含了一些发生严重经营危机、重大丑闻、对社会造成负面影响的品牌,如瑞士的瑞信(Credit Suisse)、美国的米高梅集团(MGM)等。此外,还有一些品牌由于业绩较差、发展不及预期等因素落榜,例如美国的价格在线(Priceline)、讯佳普(Skype)等。 |
There are a total of 25 new brands on this year's list. Among them, the highest-ranking is the CIGNA GROUP from the US, securing the 85th position overall. This brand has established a vast global medical network to support its business and provide 24-hour online medical care. Other notable brands on the list include SpaceX from the United States, ENEL from Italy, and ASML from the Netherlands. Additionally, six new brands from China (including Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan) made the list: POLY, TikTok, China Huadian, TONGWEI, CNAF, and Bosideng. Brands that dropped off the list in 2023 include those that faced serious business crises, major scandals, and had a negative impact on society, such as Credit Suisse in Switzerland and MGM in the United States. Furthermore, some brands were removed from the list due to factors like poor performance and less-than-expected development, such as Priceline and Skype in the United States. |
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2023年度《世界品牌500强》的平均年龄为98.57岁,相比去年的98.22岁有所增加。其中100岁及以上的“百年老牌”多达225个,占比超过4成。法国的老牌公司圣戈班Saint-Gobain(358岁)是企业界拥有最长历史的品牌,英杰华(Aviva)、茅台(Moutai)位列品牌年龄二三位,均有超过300年的悠久历史。中国入选的48个品牌中只有茅台(Moutai)、青岛啤酒(TSINGTAO)、五粮液(WULIANGYE)、中国银行(Bank of China)、友邦保险(AIA)超越百龄。依行业来看,食品与饮料类品牌最古老,35个品牌中有30个品牌超过了百岁。 |
The average age of the listed brands is 98.57 years, a slight increase from last year's 98.22 years. Notably, 225 brands have achieved the venerable age of 100 years or more, constituting over 40% of the list. The French brand Saint-Gobain holds the title of the oldest brand on the list at 358 years old, while Aviva and Moutai closely follow with histories of more than 300 years. Among the 48 Chinese brands, only Moutai, TSINGTAO, Wuliangye, Bank of China, and AIA have surpassed the century mark. Examining industries, brands in the food and beverage sector are the oldest, with 30 out of 35 brands surpassing the centennial mark. |
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即将出席12月19日在香港举行的世界经理人峰会暨世界品牌500强发布会的哈佛大学(Harvard)商学院工商管理荣誉教授约翰·戴腾(Prof. John Deighton)认为,“不要让品牌直接涉及全球冲突,而是借助创意者和有影响力的人塑造品牌。最早可以追溯到 2008 年,可口可乐在脸书上的营销和福特利用创意者推出品牌嘉年华。鉴于中国在创意营销方面领先于美国,这种品牌推广方法对亚洲营销人员应该很有吸引力”。欧洲工商管理学院(INSEAD)营销学荣誉教授、畅销书新书《价值获取销售》作者琼克劳德拉里齐(Prof. Jean Claude Larreche)认为,“这个日益复杂多变的世界,是品牌健康状况的一次压力测试。为此,企业家要专注两个战略重点:一是关注企业价值增长,而不仅仅是收入增长;二是关注企业价值的获取,而不仅仅是客户价值的创造“。 |
Dr. John Deighton, Emeritus Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School, attending the World Executive Summit and the release event of the World's 500 Most Influential Brands list scheduled for December 19th in Hong Kong, asserts, “Brands should not directly address global conflicts but leverage creators and influencers for branding, tracing back to 2008 (Coca Cola on Facebook and Ford's use of creators to launch the Fiesta). Given China's lead over America in creator marketing, this branding approach should be appealing to Asian marketers.” Dr. Jean Claude Larreche, Emeritus Professor of Marketing at INSEAD and author of the bestselling book Value Capture Selling, contends, “This increasingly VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous) world stress-tests the health of business firms. This has led to two strategic priorities: a focus on corporate value growth and not just revenue growth, and a focus on corporate value capture and not just customer value creation.” |
世界经理人集团首席执行官、世界品牌实验室专家团成员丁海森博士认为,驾驭不确定性,是未来CEO的必修课。而对CMO或CBO来说,必须靠人工智能(AI)手段,在全球范围内全天候检测品牌足迹。香港大学经管学院营销学教授萨拉·金(Prof. Sara Kim)认为,全球化品牌需要本土化运营,包括建立专门的地缘危机管理团队,纳入当地法规和政策,根据当地偏好和文化影响制定独特的产品线;与本地建立战略联盟,同时在经营中需要不断提高环境、社会和治理(ESG)水准。北京大学光华管理学院营销学教授徐菁(Prof. Jing Xu)认为,无论现实世界多么复杂,品牌的宗旨需要清晰。许多伟大的并能持续增长的品牌案例启示我们,唯有将造福于人类、造福于世界的目标纳入其使命,才能实现真正的可持续发展。 |
Dr. Haisen Ding, CEO of the World Executive Group and the World Brand Lab, emphasizes that mastering uncertainty is essential for future CEOs. For CMOs or CBOs, leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) is crucial for continuous global monitoring of brand footprint. Dr. Sara Kim, Professor of Marketing at the Hong Kong University, stresses that globalized brands require operational localization. This involves establishing a dedicated crisis management team for geopolitical risks, adhering to local regulations and policies, creating unique product lines based on local preferences and cultural influences, forming strategic partnerships and alliances, and continuously elevating ESG standards. Dr. Jing Xu, Professor of Marketing at Peking University, argues that, despite the complexity of the real world, a brand's purpose must remain clear. Drawing inspiration from numerous exemplary and sustainably growing brands, it is evident that genuine sustainable development can only be achieved by incorporating goals that benefit humanity and the world into their mission. |
世界品牌实验室的年终报告认为,在过去10年里,品牌的全球化战略面临越来越大的压力,消费者对于全球化大品牌的信任度正在下降。经济、政治、社会和技术等因素都在遏制全球化的发展,这也推动了多元本地化时代的到来,即企业需要调整组织构架,更加注重品牌与当地社区、行业、文化与习俗等元素融合。自2003年开始,世界品牌实验室就对世界60个国家的8万多个主流品牌进行跟踪研究。作为全球领先的品牌咨询、研究和测评机构,世界品牌实验室(World Brand Lab)由1999年诺贝尔经济学奖得主罗伯特·蒙代尔教授(Robert Mundell)倡议创建并担任首任主席,全资附属于世界经理人集团。 |
The year-end report from the World Brand Lab suggests that over the past decade, global brand strategies have faced escalating pressures. Consumer trust in major global brands has declined, with various factors such as economic, political, social, and technological considerations hindering the progress of globalization. This has led to an era of diverse localization, compelling companies to adapt their organizational structures and place greater emphasis on integrating brands with local communities, industries, cultures, and customs. Since 2003, World Brand Lab has meticulously monitored over 80,000 major brands across 60 countries. Initially chaired by Professor Robert Mundell, the 1999 Nobel laureate in Economics, this premier brand consulting firm is now wholly owned by the World Executive Group. |
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编制说明: |
Notes: |
1.本排行由世界品牌实验室(World Brand Lab)独家编制,评判依据是品牌的世界影响力。品牌影响力的三项关键指标,即市场占有率(MarketShare)、品牌忠诚度(Brand Loyalty)和全球领导力(Global Leadership)。 |
2.合并后的联合品牌, 以合并前的品牌中的年长品牌为准,如路透社1850年成立,汤姆森集团 1953 成立,那么合并后的汤森路透的品牌年龄应从1850年算起。 |
3.被跨国兼并的品牌,以被兼并前的诞生地所在国家为“品牌国籍”;设立多国总部的品牌,以诞生地所在国家为“品牌国籍”。 |
4.横跨多种行业的品牌,以收入最多的主营业务所在行业为准。 |
5.外国品牌的中文名称以中国大陆的约定俗成翻译为准,没有中文名称的外国品牌,世界品牌实验室将视情况进行翻译或不翻译。 |